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VUB ECHE coordinated project EU-China DOC:

EU-China DOC project is an Erasmus Mundus Action 3 projects implemented during Sep. 2013 to Sep.2016. The project aims to enhance the visibility of European Higher education and strengthen the dialogue and cooperation with Chinese stakeholders in the field of doctoral education.

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The overall project aims are to increase the awareness and knowledge about European Higher Education among Chinese higher education actors and to strengthen dialogue and cooperation between European and Chinese stakeholders in the field of doctoral education. The EU-China DOC project is coordinated by EU-China Higher Education Research Center of Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Important results of the EU-China DOC project can be found on the project website and the following links:

EU-China DOC dissemination video:

EU-China DOC dissemination reports and recommendations:

EU-China DOC Impact assessment report:

EU-China DOC Special issue publications:

EU-China DOC survey report:

EU-China DOC final event including video speeches:


Project promotor and coordinator: Prof. dr. Chang Zhu, VUB.

For more information, please contact