LEAD Project Dissemination conferences held in Beijing and Kunming, 10-13 July 2018

The LEAD project organised two conferences in China, one in Beijing and one in Kunming,  with the specific purpose of disseminating the outcomes of the LEAD project workshops to a targeted audience of Chinese academic leaders.

The first LEAD Dissemination Conference was held on 10 July at the National Academy of Education Administration (NAEA) in Beijing. The conference was attended by more than 100 participants, the majority of which were from Chinese universities. Chinese middle level academic leaders receiving training at NAEA also joined the conference. The LEAD conference offered a good opportunity for the participants to get familiar with the LEAD project results as well as the objectives and opportunities of Erasmus+, and more specifically KA2 capacity building in higher education (CBHE) projects.

The dissemination events introduced the LEAD project results, findings, and two concrete deliverables of the LEAD project: the LEAD Book and LEAD MOOC. Moreover, partner universities presented their own strategies and actions for implementing the project and disseminating LEAD project results within and outside their own institution. During the closing session of LEAD Dissemination Conference at NAEA, the Executive President of NAEA, Prof. Ma Junjie and Prof. Chang Zhu from VUB- on behalf of the Chinese and European partners respectively- inaugurated the China Office of LEAD Project at NAEA. Leveraging on expertise of NAEA in training (Chinese) academic leaders and its broad network of higher education institutions, the LEAD China Office will build on LEAD outcomes and it will try to design programs offering training and exchange opportunities to Europeans and Chinese beneficiaries. 

The second LEAD Dissemination conference was hosted by Yunnan Normal University (YNNU) on 12 and 13 July. Prof. Liu Jian, Vice president of YNNU opened the conference and a keynote speech on ‘Academic leadership for continuous change’ was delivered by Prof. Yasar Kondakci, from Middle East Technical University (METU). The LEAD project output and outcomes, and in particular, the LEAD Book and LEAD MOOC were presented. The partner universities further exchanged views on implementation actions and dissemination strategies of LEAD project results within and beyond their institutions.

The second day of the conference was dedicated to discussions on the LEAD MOOC and presentations on MOOC platforms’ features and functionalities were delivered by Prof. Kursat Cagiltay from METU and Prof. Chang Zhu from VUB.

The next LEAD event will be the LEAD Final Conference that will take place at VUB in Brussels  from 10 to 13  September 2018.

News report by Yunnan Normal University: YNNU successfully held the China-EU LEAD Dissemination Conference on 'University Governance and Academic Leadership.



News report by National Academy of Education Administration:


中欧LEAD“大学治理和学术领导力提升”项目 成果推广和发布会在学院举行

News report by Vrije Universiteit Brussel:

VUB organised two dissemination conferences in China and to host final LEAD Conference in September in Brussels


LEAD beijing group photo



本次会议主要有三个部分内容。第一部分7月12日上午的开幕式上,云南师范大学副校长刘坚教授代表学校致辞欢迎,表示此次交流会将推进我校与欧盟高校之间的学术交流与合作,推动欧洲高校优质教育资源向中国西南地区和东南亚地区辐射,并邀请各位嘉宾一同庆祝我校80周年华诞。云南省对外交流与合作处教育厅章少宏副调研员从云南的特殊地理位置和历史态度表明今后我们会以更加包容的心态和气魄去迎接世界更多高校,VUB前副校长Jan Cornelis教授、欧洲首都大学联盟秘书长Kirs  Dejonckheere教授以及LEAD项目总协调人比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学朱畅教授等出席开幕式并讲话。在中方代表北京师范大学刘宝存教授、芬兰代表坦佩雷大学代表蔡瑜琢教授和云南师范大学刘坚副校长的见证下,举行了中芬高等教育与区域发展联合研究中心揭牌仪式。此次开幕式由云南师范大学前副校长原一川教授主持。

第二部分则是LEAD项目合作单位和高校对各自参与中欧大学领导力平台建设的成果进行了展示,项目总负责人朱畅教授重点介绍了项目的两个重要成果——慕课和中欧领导力的论文集,土耳其中东科技大学Yasar  Kondakci教授和我校LEAD项目负责人茶世俊教授分别围绕中欧学术领导力研究成果进行了主题演讲,同济大学于雪梅教授、华中科技大学陈攻和北京大学汪琼教授及我校LEAD项目负责人刘六生副教授等分别对各自学校参与LEAD项目的过程与成果做了交流,国家教育行政学院的中欧LEAD项目中方办公室井美莹老师也对国家教育行政学院在LEAD项目的发展做出了展望。

